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Database Managed Services

Stress-Free Database Administration

Let Us Handle Your Databases, So You Can Focus on Your Business

24/7 Remote Database Management Services Company

Remote database management services from RalanTech deliver comprehensive and effective solutions. Managing your databases remotely, our team of highly skilled experts promptly provides qualified manpower wherever and whenever needed.

With various options available, you can achieve the perfect balance for your in-house resources. Our database management services provider team includes topmost DBA experts with deep expertise in Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Informix and more.

Our team support improves dependability, increases efficiency and enhances performance. With our 24/7 support team, you can focus on business tasks while we proficiently handle your databases.

Why Choose Our Remote Database Management Services?

When considering remote database management services, RalanTech stands out for several compelling reasons. Our strategies on backup and disaster recovery guarantee minimal interruption and ensure business steadiness.

Our team will work closely with you to understand your needs and provide customized solutions to boost efficiency and growth. When you choose RalanTech, it means you are associating with a trusted provider dedicated to innovation and excellence in database management.

We excel in helping you achieve your business objectives through secure, reliable and effective database services. Experience the RalanTech difference and grow your organization with the best database management services.

Our services are affordable and high-quality, meeting our customers’ needs. Our team deals at solving the complex database challenges.

Key Benefits of Our Remote database Managed Services

RalanTechā€™s database management services are delivered by a senior team and supported by best-in-class database monitoring software. With our database team, we solve complex database challenges, ensuring maximum availability. Our Remote Database Managed services include:

24/7 Maintenance and Monitoring

We ensure your databases are always active and running smoothly with our 24/7 support.

Proactive Performance Tuning

We continuously optimize database performance to prevent problems before they arise.

Backup & Recovery Solutions

Implementing robust backup strategies and offering quick recovery options to protect your data.

Security Management

We safeguard your databases with the latest security patches and monitoring for potential threats.

Database Upgrades and Migrations

We focus on upgrading and migrating databases with minimal downtime and trouble.

Health Checks and Audits

Our team conducts periodic health checks and audits to ensure optimal functionality and compliance.

Customized Support Plans

Adapting our database administration managed services to meet your business demands and deliver the best.

Expert Troubleshooting

Quickly diagnosing and resolving any database problems to maintain business stability.

Capacity Planning

Analyzing and planning for future database growth to ensure your systems are always ready.

Documentation and Reporting

We provide detailed reports and documentation for transparency and informed decision-making.

Essential Principles of RalanTech: Your Database Management Partner

At RalanTech, we are always committed to providing the top remote database management services. Our combination of innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction ensures that we maintain your data with high standards of reliability. Here are the important values that assist our services:

Data Security and Integrity

We implement top security measures to safeguard your information against breaches. Our comprehensive security protocols ensure that your data remains available and confidential.

Expertise and Experience

With extensive experience in database management, we deliver efficient services to help you achieve your desired results. Our team experts are skilled in various database platforms and database technologies, providing excellent support throughout the process.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We have the team in providing excellent services within your budget. Our cost-effective solutions offer maximum value that doesnā€™t compromise on the quality.

Scalability and Flexibility

RalanTech provides scalable and flexible database management solutions that grow with your business. Our services are designed to adapt based on your evolving requirements.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our team will allocate time to understand your requirements and goals, allowing us to fulfil your needs.

Simplify Your Database Management with Us

Managing your databases 24/7 can be tedious and frustrating. Offload the burden to RalanTech, your trusted expert, and let us handle the heavy lifting.

What We Offer

Single Vendor Simplicity :

Simplify your operations with our all-in-one service covering infrastructure, applications, and support.

Comprehensive Solutions :

From setup and optimization to security patching and performance monitoring, we cover all your database needs.

Expert Team :

Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing top-notch service, ensuring your databases are always in peak condition.

Benefits of Partnering with Us

Reduced Workload :

Free your onsite team from daily database tasks..

Enhanced Performance :

Benefit from expert optimization and continuous monitoring.

Increased Security :

Stay protected with our regular security patching.

Peace of Mind :

Enjoy the confidence of knowing your databases are in expert hands.

Entrust Your Database to the Experts

Your database is the heartbeat of your business. Trust us to enhance its performance, boost efficiency, and ensure reliability. With our dedicated 24/7 support, you can focus on your core business operations while we expertly manage your databases.

Our team excels in handling Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, Sybase, Informix, and MongoDB database technologies. Let us take care of your pain points, allowing your team to concentrate on strategic initiatives.

Why RalanTech?

What We Support


VMware to AWS Migration

VMware to AWS Migration: Why? The Cost benefits and scalability


SQL Database: What It Is & How Does It Work (Explained)

Database Health Check and Database Audit

At RalanTech, we understand that a healthy database is the backbone of a smooth-running system. Database health check(Database Audit), encompassing various facets like configuration, performance, and security, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the overall efficiency of your SQL Server, Oracle, SAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or any cloud databases.

Every downtime or slow performance may impact business revenue directly or indirectly.


What are Remote Database Management Services?

Remote Database Management Services contain maintaining and managing databases from a location remotely, ensuring optimized database performance, data security and offering regular support.

How does a RalaTech Database Managed Service Provider Improve Business?

RalanTech database managed services providerĀ helps to improve your business in lower costs and enhance data security.

Our services include 24/7 support and optimizing database performance. This allows you to focus on your core operations.